Thought I've failed to make it through the mess of holiday films that have been thrust at us in the past few weeks, I'm still drawing the year to a close with a list of the best and worst films of 2009. The following films reflect a year of surprise, disappointment, expectation, marketing, form, content, art, commerce, excess, restraint, laughter, and a little joy.
Top 5 of 2009
1. Fantastic Mr. Fox
Cuss yeah this is my pick of the year! In a world where technology promises to continue to increase at an impressively rapid pace, Wes Anderson's carefully crafted work of art is a breath of fresh air. Forget Avatar, this film reminds us of the beauty of human craftsmanship, wry wit and power of details. Anderson transports us to a world in parallel to ours; utterly magical, playful and cinematic. You see the labor, love and craftsmanship in every image. It becomes film comprised of odd moments and disjointed puppet movement, brought together through pure childlike joy with just enough dry humor to keep generations entertained. This film is undoubtably Anderson's most successful and magical film. He has not only restored my faith in his filmmaking, but has reminded me of what animation can be in our Pixar-dominated world. Bravo, Wes.
2. Paranormal Activity
Sorry, I can't resist an independent film underdog story. I saw this film in one of the unpublicized thirteen screenings across the nation this last September. From that moment I fell in love. Sure, maybe I was swayed by the perfectly timed midnight screening and buttered up by free movie popcorn and soda, but this film was perfect in its simplicity. When it went head to head Saw VI and won, I was filled with joy. This film began as nothing, and by the power of our public, it was brought to the world. We can control this industry and Paranormal proves it. And yes, the film did scare the shit out of me, but that's not the point. In my jaded film studies world, this online movement gives me a glimmer of faith in our Hollywood-controlled audiences. We can demand the independent, the underdog and the low budget, and the internet just may be the answer.
3. (500) Days of Summer
Okay, I know. This film is just about the girliest, silliest most irresistibly engrossing things to hit the summer screens. But I'd like to argue for the artistic merit of the movie. I will admit, I was drawn in by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel's indi quirky chemistry and catchy soundtrack, but upon viewing the film, I was ultimately most creatively inspired by the post-modern romantic screenplay. Though it escalated to become 2009's Garden State with a strong serge from its film festival beginnings, Marc Webb's music video vibe and manages to play with the broken to story line to create a sweet visual realization of reality versus expectation. It may have gone mainstream but at least we were given a fresh version of the (anti)romantic comedy; cool, creative and fun.
4. District 9
I will say this was probably my most anticipated film of the year. The perfectly crafted trailer showed a new, gritty image of the action film. However, this marketing genius only set itself up for disappointment. So, while District 9 does win best trailer of the year, it didn't quite measure up (if it had, without a doubt it would take my number one spot). Neil Blomkamp's film begins with the nearly perfect composition of documentary, security camera and interview footage to compose an entirely believable world. Though this film fell short as it paid homage to it's Halo beginnings, the beginning's wit and artistry was enough to land it a spot. If anything, it was a beautiful introduction to my future relationship with Blomkamp. I'm looking forward to the future.
5. The Hangover
Funny, huh? But yes, it made it on my list. This may be due entirely to my surprise at the sheer genius of the ultimately stupid film. I walked in thinking it would be another grotesque, crude male bro film, but it wasn't. Composed of the simplest of concepts, The Hangover builds a shit show of chaos all bound by a cast of perfect chemistry. Sure, there were stupid moments, potty humor and useless nudity, but for once I kept laughing with them. The humor is ultimately relatable, subtle, quotable, and resonant. We hear the songs, quote the lines and all lose ourselves in the ridiculous escape of this movie. Can't help but keep laughin'.
Worst 5 of 2009
1. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Fuck Michael Bay and his fucking movies. It never ended, it visually assaulted me for nearly three hours and ultimately embodies all I hate about Hollywood. If these films didn't exist, we'd all be better off.
2. New Moon
Nothin to say other than: "Bella, you're bleeding." I can't watch these bad actors any more.
3. Post Grad
How does this shit get made?
4. The Time Travelers Wife
This two hour sap fest never failed to make me want to puke. All I saw was crying, patchy story lines and "destiny." vomit.
5. Nine
I think Fedrico Fellini is rolling in his grave. The lyrics were bad, the film lacked composition, and ultimately portrayed a horribly insulting image of women.
I could keep going with this list but I'll spare you.
Biggest Disappointments of 2009:
To name of few: Julie and Julia, Bruno, The Princess and the Frog, Inglorious Basterds, and New York, I Love You. Damn these trailers.
Best Trailers of 2009:
1. District 9
3. A Single Man
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